Monday, August 26, 2013

I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends

It's been a great weekend.

Friday, I spent most of the day packing. For those of you who have had to move before (especially via air travel), you know how difficult it can be to decide what is worthy to bring with you and what you must leave behind. I like to pride myself in being a light traveler but it was still a bit stressful trying to fit teaching outfits, clubbing clothes, rain gear, shoes, winter clothes, and outfits for all kinds of weather not to mention anything fun like DVDs, my computer, decorations, etc. into just two suitcases. However, with the help of my mother (luggage packer extraordinaire), within two hours, I had my two suitcases packed with a bit of room to spare.

Talk about a minimalistic lifestyle!!
 Saturday, was my last day to see all my dear friends. I honestly didn't know what to expect when I came up with the little idea of having an open house a few days before leaving. I knew my dad and brother would be coming home from a canoeing trip and walking into a house full of people and that my luggage would be lying right in the middle of the living room, but I knew it was the best (and maybe only) way I could see as many people as I could before leaving.

I cannot begin to express how blessed I felt. Friends from high school and my early years of college that I hadn't seen in years, Team Awesome, friends from the theatre who have watched me struggle through my awkward teen years and those who I have had the honor to share the stage with, my family, and people that I just love to spend time with. On top of coming to my home on a beautiful Saturday night (one of the last of the summer) to spend time with me, almost everyone answered my request to bring something for me to hang on my apartment wall as decoration. I put this out there not really expecting anything but hoped maybe I would get a photo or a quote here and there, but the amount of love and creativity that everyone gave me that night will not only join me in China but it will be what constantly acts as my soft place to fall. On difficult or stressful days, I will look up at the drawings, quotes, photos, letters, and drawings that everyone brought and know that a small piece of you is with me... a piece of home.

School pals
Fellow theatre geeks
 Sunday (today), was the first family day I've had in awhile. With my dad and brother out of town, I got to spend this last week with my mom and, while I love spending time with her (I count her as one of my best friends), it was so nice to have the whole family together again. We decided to go to Letchworth State Park to just walk around, take in the sights, and spend time with each other. For dinner we were originally going to go to the best Korean place in Western New York but then I realized that, as a Buffalo gal, I like to consider myself to be a chicken wing connoisseur and I would go a long time without quality wings so we decided to go to (where else?) but Duff's.

Anchor Bar may have created the wing, but Duff's perfected it... don't try to argue.
I think I'm going to remain stuck at the denial point that I mentioned in one of my previous blog posts, "Some Needed Inspiration" found right here. I was hoping to get to the anxious/excitement stage but at this point, with only one full day left, I don't think that is going to happen. And you know what? I blame it on all of you! Yes! YOU! I've been surrounded with so much love and support, it makes it so hard to leave it! From my friends to my family, you have made it so hard to just pack up and leave. I got message after message saying things like, " You are an inspiration to all who know you," and " find the way to live your dreams." If that is not pressure, then I don't know what is!! But in all honesty, your (extremely) kind words and support--that is what is getting me to swallow my nerves, board that plane, and fly over the Pacific Ocean. I know I put on the strong front sometimes (the "soldier face" as I like to call it) but it is the people in my life--people like you--that make me brave... I feel that I owe it to each and every one of you to be as strong as I possibly can and make the most of this amazing opportunity. 

So to end this overly mushy post (I promise once I am actually off on adventures, these won't be as emotional), I wanted to throw a song from the Very Potter Sequel at you. I know it's a shocker but: A). I am a huge Potterhead and B). I freaking love the Team Starkid Harry Potter musicals, and this song, "Days of Summer" seems to sum up the relationship I have with everyone that was at my farewell shindig and those who wished they could have been there. Whether I've known you my whole life, for only a year or two or even a few weeks, whether I just met you or you are my own blood, please know that I love you all and I cannot wait to see you all again!!

You're the part of me that makes me better wherever I go!

So I will try not to cry... No one needs to say goodbye!

Cheers, everyone!

Until Next Time,

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