Tuesday, August 27, 2013

3,2,1... GO!!

Here it is!! We have reached the end of our countdown. It's hard to believe that what has been looming on the distant horizon for so long has finally arrived. 24 hours from right now, I will be seated in a plane (hopefully) fast asleep.

Before I leave, I want to thank everyone who has helped me get to this point. Of course all of my friends from Oswego (Hart Hall for the win) and my DCP peeps, as well as the Ghostlight theatre and and the lovely Dave, Olivia, and (of course) Rachel--they've all trained me and prepared me so well for this. I especially have to thank my family--not only my mom, dad, and brother, but also the Gullos--my aunt, uncle, and cousins. They haven't banded together to tie me to a chair in order for me to miss my flight (at least not yet). They are my rock and they are who I am spending my last night with.

For those of you who wish to continue to follow me on this adventure, there are some ways for us to keep in touch.

Email: woomer@oswego.edu
Skype: xomandierosexo
Hopefully Facebook and Tumblr (VPN! VPN! VPN!)

And of course, this blog. I must recommend entering your email on the right hand side of this page in order to receive updates sent directly to your inbox. There is a possibility that I will not be able to post a link to Facebook every time I make a blog post so that is a pretty good way to guarantee staying up to date on all the goings on.

Also, care packages will never be turned away so shoot me an email if you ever want my mailing address ::wink::

I guess that is all there is to it for now. My bags are packed. I've said my goodbyes. I got that darn visa. All there is left to do is find the courage I need to board that plane tomorrow morning.

See you all on the other side!

Until Next Time,

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