Friday, August 30, 2013


One thing people kept asking me (and the question I wanted to have answered) was, “What are you teaching?”

Well, I am happy to say that I finally know what I am teaching here at Hangzhou Normal.  I teach Oral English and Oral English I (I'm still trying to figure out what the difference is between the two).

I teach three days a week—Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (four day weekend for the win!!).

Tuesdays from 8:05-9:35, I teach Oral English for Outsourcing majors (not too sure what that is) and then I get to repeat it right away from 9:45-11:20 for Animation majors.  And then I have a bit of a break until 3:05-4:40 where I teach Oral English I.

Wednesdays are pretty easy days it seems with Oral English back to back from 8:05-9:35 and 9:45-11:20 where I am teaching Science and P.E. majors (there’s a joke in there somewhere).

Thursdays are basically a carbon copy of Tuesdays with Oral English from 8:05-9:35 for Law majors, Oral English I from 9:45-11:20 and again from 3:05-4:40.

I mean, I know I’m a total newbie at this but I think this is a pretty nice schedule!

Now to look through these text books and come up with lesson plans… EEK!

Until Next Time,

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