Yes, I am getting older, and yes, despite what the twelve year old me would want to believe, I am growing up. And you know what? It's an even greater adventure than anything the imagination of my childhood could have come up with! I am traveling the world. I am meeting amazing, new friends that I hope to stay connected with for years to come. And I have fallen in love. Life is an awfully big adventure and one that I don't mean to let pass me by. My imagination has not died and my adventures have not vanished. As I've gotten older, I've gone on so many of the adventures that I had dreamed of in my childhood fantasies and I've had so many more that I never thought would come my way.
Our own world might even still be our own Neverland with our Lost Boys wandering around trying to find their way, pirates trying to stop us from reaching our goals, and time always ticking against us. Yes, we have to face the real world, and yes, we do have to grow up, but we can still go on daring adventures and live our lives to the fullest!
It's sad that it took me 24 years to realize this but I have realized it and--you know what?--I'm actually happy about it. I love my life right now and I feel as though I am exactly where I need to be... I wouldn't change anything about my life for the world ♥ I am no longer afraid of "grown up" Amanda... I'm actually beginning to warm up to her and like who she has become.
There have been many birthdays that I have cried myself to sleep. 13: I was now a teenager. 18: I was officially no longer a child. 21: I was an "adult" by so many standards. 23, I spent a lot of the day alone but I was still at Disney World so no one can feel bad for me. But 24 was filled with so many sweet surprises that it will definitely go down as one of my favorites (only after my 9th birthday Luau themed slumber party ^_~).
Adam kept saying over and over again, "It's your birthday week!" This was my first time having more than just a birthDAY, and so, here are the chronicles of Amanda's 24th Birthday Week:
The week before my birthday, Adam surprised me with an early birthday gift--my very own wifi router! Now you might be thinking, "Big deal?!?" BUT for those of you who know WeChat and those of you who know of the obnoxiousness that is the foreigners living in Hangzhou, you will understand why constant contact to the internet might help you avoid finding that you have over 150 messages from over the last hour. I used to lurk outside of Adam's apartment to mooch off of his wifi but he began to catch on so he decided to put an end to the lurking.
![]() |
Plus it got cold out... |
Other Adam arrived in town on Friday (2/28) and we headed down the road to our friend, DH's, apartment. There, I discovered that all three of the boys had conspired against me and sabotaged me with a surprise birthday cake. I was sitting on the couch assuming that they were making coffee (it's an extremely plausible thought) when I hear them just start singing, "Happy birthday" and I look up to see a huge cake with the most obnoxious flower candle thing that spouted out flames like a dragon and sang the "Happy birthday" tune. It was the sweetest thing these guys have ever done for me (and they are pretty basic guys when it comes to mushiness so it meant a lot to me...). Other Adam kept saying, "Don't say we never do anything for you!" And believe me, Mr. Adam, I never will. They were sweet enough to think of this, kind enough to spend the money on it, and sneaky enough to lie to me about it (::cough:: Adam: "I'm sorry you won't have a cake for your birthday." Me: "Oh it's fine. It's not that big of a deal." ::cough::). Along with the cake, Adam got me a pack of banana milk to drink throughout the night (he knows me WAY too well)...
This cake was devoured throughout the night |
The Big Four!! These guys are the best ♥ |
Spending a less than glamorous night on DH's couch, I woke up to quite the pleasant surprise--BREAKFAST IN
Then it was on to the main event...
He had asked me where I wanted to eat for my birthday. Papa John's is where we go for our anniversary, we had just gone to Pancho's for Other Adam's birthday, and we had just gone to a really nice (and really $$$) place for Valentine's Day so I decided that I wanted to stay in and cook (yes--ME!!). We came up with the ridiculous menu--mashed potatoes and Buffalo style chicken wings (my two FAVORITE foods).
The potatoes were first on our list. I washed them, Adam peeled them, and I cut them (no blood was shed for the first time ever... HUZZAH!!) and we put our epic upper body strength together (aka: HIS) and we mashed those suckers until they were delicious.
Those bad boys lasted us two days... And we were afraid we hadn't bought enough....
Next up was the chicken wings. I was VERY excited to do this. This was #139 on My Life List so I was pumped... plus wings are my absolute favorite food on the planet and they were the last thing I ate for dinner in America (DUFF'S!!) so it had been 6 months since I had last had real wings.
Adam had gone into town to the big grocery store earlier in the week to buy 25 wings (despite the bird flu scare right now... We still feel fine, so no worries, I suppose). We poured out the peanut oil, set up a box to try and save the wall from the oil splattering everywhere, washed the chicken wings, and faced the bubbling oil.
IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! After I learned how to properly slide the chicken into the oil without splashing it everywhere, I found myself enjoying myself more than fearing for the skin on my arms. Every so often, one of the wings would go wild and crazy and Adam and I would cower in the corner, trying to dodge the splatter of burning hot oil... It certainly kept things interesting!!
Soon we had a great system down. I would slide the chicken in (I enjoyed that way too much), Adam would cook it, and I would coat the wings in the Frank's (yes, FRANK'S) sauce that we had. I don't want to boast or anything but we could probably open up a Duff's chain over here in Hangzhou and make millions of RMB... All we needed was Loganberry soda and sponge candy to make me feel right back in Buffalo again!!
The wings turned out better than I imagined them to be. Chinese bars and cafes like to offer "spicy chicken wings" that are always gooey, undercooked, and not spicy at all... I just assumed that America has some kind of magic that makes their wings spicy, crunchy, and delicious. Nope, you just have to know what you're doing (and thank goodness Adam knew what he was doing)!! After about two hours of cooking, it was time to sit down to the perfect dinner:
Mashed potatoes, cheese, wings, birthday cake Oreos, and wine... What more do you need?!? |
My actual birthday was simple (nothing like last year) but it was simple and perfect. I spent it with the man I wanted to spend it with. We relaxed together, got to hang out just the two of us and watch one of my favorite movies, we worked together, we laughed, and we enjoyed the meal that we cooked with some success.
I'm one lucky lady ♥
The gift giving continued through the week onto my day off on Wednesday (3/5) where Adam and I made our way out to the mall near our apartment building. Why you ask? Why, for me to buy myself a bike! It was my birthday gift to me and now I am finally able to skip that 20 minute walk to DH's and the boys don't have to look at me with glaring eyes at the fact that they can't bike anywhere because I am bikeless (just kidding about the glaring... Though DH never did let it go...). Adam had done some scouting the week before so it was pretty easy picking the one I liked the best.
Watch out world! Amanda is now mobile!!
Adam's choice for me... |
...And my choice for me!! |
Friday (3/7) was the end to my birthday week and the big bash that everyone was involved in. The two coolest expats in Hangzhou (myself and Nathan) are born on March 1st and March 7th so we had a joint birthday party to celebrate the awkward awesomeness that is us.
A small group of crazy foreigners--myself, Adam, Nathan, Hannah S, Nate, Steve, and our Chinese friend Mac--went to the reopening of Tiba, a Turkish restaurant downtown. Adam's ears twitched and his excitement reached its peak at the mention of Turkish food (he's still going through withdrawal after his Istanbul holiday) so Tiba was a must go for the start of the birthday bash.
James, one of the foreigners I've come to get to know out here in China was awesome and made a fabulous, amazing, delicious, moist (sorry... but it was), huge brownie. The food we had ordered took forever to come out of the kitchen so I decided to share my brownie with my starving comrades... it lasted about two minutes.
Personally, I think the food was well worth the wait. Unlike Chinese food, it actually TASTES like something. Adam and I split a shwarma and an amazing chicken sandwich thingy (perks of dating someone... you get to eat their food and they can't stop you... MWUAHAHAHAHA!!!!!). I have a feeling Tiba might become a new haunt for Adam and I... With Mama Woomer coming to town in less than two weeks, I have a feeling we'll be visiting there at least once!!
After we stuffed ourselves with culinary deliciousness, the gang met up with the other Hannah, James, and our other Chinese friend, Michelle, for some KTV. I was stoked for this because I LOVE LOVE LOVE KTV and I have only done it three time since I got to China (and that is just a sin against God and nature in my heathen eyes). Adam is not a huge KTV fan to I took advantage of going and enjoyed dancing to all the songs I knew (which sadly isn't a lot with my pathetic musical knowledge). Some Britney, Miley, the Beatles, and Backstreet Boys though was enough to get me up on the table with Nathan and our microphones and jam out (ignoring the fact that none of us are really singers)!!
Dance break for the Hannahs and Nathan!!
Adam seems a bit dubious... |
All in all I think it was a great end to a fantastic birthday week! I was surrounded by people who love me and I was constantly reminded that, even though I am far from home, I am certainly not alone. From the little things to the big surprises that Adam gave me. The drawing that Hannah made for me. The text messages. The happy birthday wishes. The hugs. The kisses. Each and every one of those things constantly reminded me just how lucky and blessed I am to be living my life right now.
Yes it is scary that I am now 24 years old (it feels like I was 16 only a few years ago!). It's crazy to think about how quickly my life is changing and how big those changes are. Where will I be in a year from now? What plans will I be making? What experiences will I have had by then? It's a scary thought... but it's a good scary... an exciting scary... a scary that I cannot wait to meet head on.
To everyone who was involved in my birthday--whether you sent me a message on Facebook or WeChat, bought me a cake, talked to me on Skype, gave me a gift, ate dinner with me, danced with me, or hugged me--THANK YOU. It is because of you that my life is so colorful and exciting. It is because of you that I love living life. It is because of you that I smile, laugh, dance, sing, clap my hands, and breathe in deeply. Of all the gifts I could have received, my friends, my family, and the opportunity to live the life I could barely even dream of living is the greatest gift I could ever get.
I've been able to get through 24 years without getting into too much trouble... Let's see how I get to 25!!
Until Next Time,
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